Why Master Facebook Advertising

If you're an eCommerce business owner or a freelancer looking to expand your online presence and increase your revenue, mastering Facebook advertising is essential. Here's why:

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Reach A Massive Audience

Facebook has over 2.8 billion active users, making it the largest social media platform in the world. This means that by mastering Facebook advertising, you'll have access to a massive audience of potential customers. With the right targeting options, you can reach people based on their location, interests, behaviors, and demographics.

🧓 Target Your Ideal Customer

One of the biggest advantages of Facebook advertising is the ability to target your ideal customer with precision. With detailed targeting options, you can ensure that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

💰 Drive Conversions

Ultimately, the goal of Facebook advertising is to drive conversions and increase revenue. Facebook also offers a variety of conversion-focused ad formats, such as carousel ads and dynamic ads, which can help increase your conversion rates.

📈 Track Your Results

Facebook's Ad Manager dashboard provides detailed insights into how your ads are performing, including metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversions. This means you can quickly identify what's working and what's not, and make adjustments to optimise your campaigns for better results.

Learn From The Expert

Hi, it's Bec!

Meet your instructor for this Facebook ad course, Rebecca Jones, a highly skilled Facebook Ad expert with over 9 years of experience in the field. As the CEO of Full Suite Digital, a renowned digital marketing agency, Rebecca has helped countless businesses of all sizes unlock the power of Facebook advertising to achieve their marketing goals.

Rebecca's expertise in the realm of Facebook Ads is unparalleled, and her vast knowledge and experience make her an exceptional mentor for this course. She has a proven track record of success in creating and optimising Facebook Ads campaigns for businesses across various industries.

In this course, Rebecca will share her insights and strategies with you, guiding you through every aspect of Facebook advertising, from campaign creation to optimisation. With Rebecca's expertise and guidance, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to create effective Facebook Ads campaigns that can drive growth and success for your business.

Bec's expertise is beyond question!


Jacqui from Nood Mood

Rebecca's course is nothing short of comprehensive. It leaves no stone unturned as it guides you meticulously through each and every step of setting up and optimising your Facebook ads account for success.

This course is not just theory; it’s a hands-on learning experience. Rebecca provides practical exercises and real-life examples that help reinforce the concepts and strategies she teaches.

And the best bit? I achieved sales straight away! Even while going through the early modules I started to see results. The strategies and techniques I learned have translated into increased traffic, higher conversions, and a boost in revenue for my business.


Christina from Gisele Collection

I was a total beginner when it came to Facebook ads, and the idea of learning the entire process felt incredibly daunting. I wasn't sure what to anticipate, but with Full Suite Digital's help, the instructional videos were incredibly easy to follow. Additionally, having the option of one-on-one calls with Bec to ensure everything was set up correctly was a huge relief.

To my surprise, I began to see positive results almost immediately, achieving a 3x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). What's more, I found that optimising the ads became quite enjoyable – it's almost addictive!

This experience has truly transformed my perception of Facebook ads, making it a much more accessible and rewarding venture.

Who Is eCommerce Advertising For?

Whether you're a small business owner, a marketer, or simply looking to expand your digital advertising skill set, this course is designed for you. We're excited to guide you through the process of creating, optimising, and scaling your Meta Ads.

Throughout this comprehensive course, you'll learn everything you need to know about Meta Advertising, from setting up your Business Manager account to advanced tactics for increasing your ROAS. With our step-by-step approach, you'll feel confident in your ability to create effective Meta Ads that drive results.

What You'll Get As Our Student

Embarking on your Facebook ads learning journey with us means you'll have access to a comprehensive range of resources, tools, and personalised support designed to help you achieve success. 

📹 Step-by-step Videos

Our easy-to-understand modules take a step-by-step approach to guide you through the complexities of running a successful Facebook advertising campaign. With a focus on achieving measurable results, these videos are designed to provide you with actionable insights that can be applied to your own business.

📃 Meta Ads Resources

Expand your knowledge base with our collection of Facebook Ads resources. You'll receive access to a diverse range of materials, including case studies, templates, guides, and more, all aimed at helping you optimise your Facebook ads for maximum ROI.

👩‍🏫 2 x 1-on-1 Coaching Calls With Bec

You'll get guidance and support from Bec, our resident Facebook ads expert. Through the 1-on-1 live coaching sessions, Bec will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have, as well as provide personalised advice tailored to your unique business situation. You have 2 months from the start date of your course to complete your coaching sessions.

🛠 BONUS: eCommerce Resources and Tools

Gain access to a curated collection of resources and tools designed to optimise every aspect of your eCommerce business. These resources include software, templates, best practices, and more - all aimed at providing you with a competitive edge.

📱 BONUS: Facebook Ad Audits

Get ready for an exclusive peek behind the curtain! With these audits, you'll get a firsthand look at how Bec works with her own clients — giving you insight into what she does and why she does it. This will be an invaluable resource in helping take your advertising know-how up a notch.

What's Inside The Course

Facebook Ads

Tech Set Up

A practical guide that helps you set up your Meta Ads account for success.

Setting up your Business Manager and Ad Account

Understanding and configuring Pixel and Datasets

Integrate your Facebook Page and Instagram account with your Business Manager and Facebook ad account

Set up your payment settings

Setting up GA4 and Shopify integration

Understanding Conversions API

How to add a partner and share assets in Business Manager

Discover best practices for enhancing the security of your Meta ad account


In this module, you will learn how to identify and reach audiences in different ways. Specifically, you will learn:

Understand the importance and types of audiences

How to create your own custom audiences

How to create lookalike audiences from custom audiences

How to create lookalike audiences off the Pixel

Using Existing Social Media Posts as Ads

Hit two birds with one stone! Leverage your existing social media posts as effective ads.

Learn how to set up ads using your existing social media posts

Benefits of using social media posts as ads

Create contents inside Creative Hub and use it as ads

Gain some invaluable tips on what types of social media posts you can use as ads

Choosing social media posts that comply with Meta's Ad Policies
Dive into the crucial topic of content and its immense importance in your advertising efforts

Campaign Set Up: Preparation

Build an effective campaign that aligns with your business needs and goals.

You'll gain a deeper understanding of the different stages of the buyer's journey and how to tailor your ad campaigns to each stage

Understand the 3 levels of an ad campaign

Dive into different types of campaign objectives and discover the best objective for eCommerce

Importance of naming conventions and the general name convention rules

Get familiar with different ad placements

The difference between ABO vs CBO

Campaign Set Up: Let's Now Set Up Your Ads

Now let the fun begin! Let's set up your campaigns and create effective ads that engage your target audience and drive conversions.

Delve into the critical topic of budgeting for your advertising campaigns

Create a campaign targeting cold audiences (TOF)

Create best retargeting campaigns (MOF and BOF)

How to consistently find new audiences

Set up different types of ads for your TOF, MOF and BOF

Assessing the best-performing campaign, ad set and ad in GA4

Request a review of your rejected ads

Learn about URL Parameters

Your Next Steps

Maximise your progress by completing important tasks that will set you up for success in the next module.

Save money by setting up a Facebook ad rule to minimise wasted spend

 What is split testing and what are the benefits of split testing using existing social media posts

Best practices to truly gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and ads

Spark your creativity by exploring our Winning Creative Swipe File for inspiration

Metrics and Optimisation

Have a deeper understanding of your numbers and utilise them to make a data-driven decision to improve your campaign performance.

Customise your columns and set up a report inside Ads Manager

Statistics to look at when budgeting

What is MER and why determining your MER is important

How to determine whether your campaign is performing well or not

Optimise current campaigns, ad sets, and ads

Assess the breakdown data and tweak your audience settings for optimal result

Create your Facebook ad rules and minimise waste spend


Duplication is one of my favourite tricks in setting up ads. Save time and create new campaigns quickly!

Add existing ads into another campaign by duplication

Add ads to a current campaign by duplication

Over The Shoulder Optimisation

Optimise with me! Optimisation is one of the challenging yet exciting part in Meta Advertising.

Familiarise yourself with the ad optimisation process

How to optimise your ad campaigns

Learn my thought process as I optimise an ad account

Assess the data and adjust your targeting strategy


Get ready to take your business to the next level. This module will equip you with the knowledge you need to confidently scale your business. In this module, you'll learn:

What is scaling

Dig deeper into the two main ways to scale: vertical and horizontal scaling

Understanding pre-order

How to utilise the pre-order items for maximum sales

A Campaign To Gain Facebook Fans and Retarget

This module is going to be a little bit different. We'll dive into a unique approach that will significantly enhance your sales strategy. We will teach you how to strategically gain Facebook fans and retarget them for maximum impact.

When to set up a Facebook Likes Campaign

Set up a Facebook Likes Campaign

Set up a retargeting campaign for Fans

Discover the best audiences to pair with the Fans audience

BONUS: Facebook Ad Audits

Get ready for an exclusive peek behind the curtain!

Understand my best practices for marketing and advertising efforts

Explore what actions to implement to increase conversions

Watch as I do coaching call and optimise campaigns

BONUS: Meta Ads Resources

Meta ads can be a bit overwhelming, especially with all the fancy terms and tools. These resources will help you have a head start in this field.

End the confusion of advertising jargon with our Meta Ads Glossary

Our walkthrough video will help you better understand the Meta Ads Library and how to use it

Get a handy checklist that'll help you stay on the right side of Meta policies

BONUS: eCommerce Resources and Tools

Gain access to a curated collection of resources and tools designed to optimise every aspect of your eCommerce business.

Learn the insider tips and best practices that successful eCommerce entrepreneurs swear by

Dive into a specially curated playlist of podcasts and industry discussions that will guide you through optimising your Shopify store

Discover the must-have apps that supercharge your store's functionality and user experience

Unlock planners and customisable templates designed to increase conversions.

We Practice What We Teach


How Much Is The Investment To Access All The Resources

Access to the complete step-by-step eCommerce Advertising course

(value = $997)

Meta Ads Resources

(value = $47)

2 x 1-on-1 coaching calls

(value = $500)

Curated eCommerce Resources and Tools

(value = priceless)

Over-the-shoulder Meta Ads Audit

(value = priceless)

Advertising Tactics

(value = priceless)

Enrol today and gain access to all of these for only $997 USD!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a master of Meta advertising with all these resources!

100% Money Back Guarantee!

Enrol now and try our eCommerce Advertising course risk-free for 7 days. If you're not satisfied, we'll refund your money, no questions asked.
I have full confidence that this course is all you need to master Meta advertising and run effective ad campaigns.

**This guided course allows you to start immediately with the first module and gain access to new modules over the coming weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much budget should I allow for Facebook Ads?

  • Ideally, you want to allow up to $1500 a month for ad spend

What sort of results can I expect to see in the first month?

  • Expect to break even on your ad spend to start with but this can vary greatly, we've seen overnight success with some clients! 

Is there a money-back guarantee?

  • If you're not happy with the course after the first week or it's not what you expected, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. 

I've never run ads before, should I do this course?

  • Yes, this course is perfect for beginners, we'll show you the basics on how to get started right through to scaling.

I've been running ads for a while, should I do this course?

  • Yes, absolutely! You will learn new tactics and strategies that are not taught in other courses, you'll also learn how to optimise your ads to get more bang for your buck.

Say goodbye to confusion and be a Meta Ads pro!


Complete the course at your own pace.


Set up your campaigns and run ads.


Tweak and optimise your campaigns strategically.

Get access now for just two easy payments of $550 USD!

Save $103 USD when you pay in full.

Not ready to tackle our full course? Try our introductory Facebook Ads Tech Set Up course, designed to provide you with a practical guide to successfully setting up your Facebook Ads account.